How You Can Help
Simply put, our students thrive when parents get involved.
While middle school is typically a time for students to become more independent academically and socially, it is also a time when parent support is even more crucial.These are just a few of the many opportunities for parents and families to support our school.
Become a PTSA Member
It's easy to join and there is never any obligation to volunteer. Becoming a MMS PTSA member simply means that you are supporting our students and staff. In addition to becoming part of our PTSA community, membership also gives you a vote at our PTSA meetings. Students are encouraged to become a member too!
For the 2024-25 school year, membership dues are just $10. Join us today:
Donate to our Annual Campaign
Like many other public schools across the nation, fundraising for Mendenhall Middle School is essential to bridge the gap left by state and school district funding, which often falls short in covering the full spectrum of academic and extracurricular programs. These activities play a critical role in fostering a well-rounded education, promoting student engagement, and enhancing skills that extend beyond the classroom. Unfortunately, we do not currently have adequate funding to support a number of valuable programs that contribute to our students' growth and learning in the upcoming school year. As a result, we rely heavily on parent donations to make up for the lack of funding.
Please consider making a donation today. No amount is too small and we truly appreciate your support!
Volunteer for PTSA-Sponsored Activities
Volunteering with PTSA is a great way to stay connected to our school community – and get a glimpse of your child’s day-to-day activities – without a long-term commitment. We are always looking for help with fundraising events, dine-outs, staff luncheons, and more! If you’ve got some time to contribute, we’d love to hear from you! Please reach out to
Please note, all volunteers must be cleared by the school district. To learn more about volunteer requirements and complete your volunteer application, visit the Volunteer section of the LVJUSD website. All volunteer clearances expire annually on June 30 and must be renewed each school year.
Bingo Nights and Birthday Marquee
Bingo Nights at Granada High School — We partner with GHS Boosters to earn a percentage of the proceeds from their Saturday Bingo games. Simply volunteer to help facilitate their event, and MMS receives a portion of the proceeds. It’s an easy and entertaining way to support our school - no experience necessary; they provide all the training you need!
Purchase a Birthday Message on our Marquee — Celebrate your student’s special day with an announcement on the school marquee! Learn more and purchase your request at our estore.