Science Odyssey
The LVJUSD Science Odyssey is an annual science event for the whole family. Our LVJUSD students proudly display their experiments to the public. Judges evaluate the content on the display boards and interview the students about the experimental process and what the students learned throughout the process. (The Science Odyssey is also a great opportunity for community members to volunteer and share their expertise as judges.)
Students in grades 1-12 can register to enter science projects demonstrating their ability to apply the scientific method to topics of their choice. We hope this will be a learning experience for the entire family. Please keep in mind, while families may help in the planning process, the work and experiment must be done by the student. Students can work independently or in small groups and are encouraged to use resources at school, the libraries, on the web, and at home to complete each project. Additional mentors may be available to help the students successfully complete their projects. Please ask your science teacher for more information about mentors.
Some projects may only take a few days to complete. while others may take several weeks (i.e., including growing plants or crystals). The level of effort and costs will depend on the topic the student selects. Before the online registration deadline (usually in February), students must submit the question for their project for approval by their science teacher. This is a great time to talk with their teacher about the project and begin to get an idea of how to complete their project using the scientific method.
More information about the 2024 Science Odyssey will be available soon. Visit our LVJUSD Science Odyssey webpage for more information.