Math Counts
The mission of MathCounts is designed to increase enthusiasm for and enhance achievement in middle school mathematics throughout the United States. The program provides middle school students with the foundation for success in science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers.
At Mendenhall, students meet weekly before school or after school to work together on engaging and challenging math problems with their peers in table groups. Students that do not have a zero period attend on Monday mornings at 7:30AM to 8:15AM in the Library, and students WITH a zero period meet Wednesdays after school from 1:30PM to 2:15PM in the Library. Volunteer math coaches (parents, other community members, and scientists from the Livermore Lab) provide tips and hints and help students as needed. New and returning parent volunteers are greatly needed to make this program happen and be a success!
For more information about the nation-wide program, click on Please email your child’s math teacher if you have any questions on the MMS MathCounts Program or are interested in volunteering.
Please click HERE to find out how to become a school volunteer.
To register your student for this year’s MMS program (tentative plan is to start in October), please click this Google Form registration link below or fill out a paper application form available in the school office.
Annual Livermore Citywide MathCounts TournamentÂ
In late January or early February, middle school students throughout the city gather at Granada High School on a Saturday for the Annual MathCounts competition, hosted by the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District (LVJUSD). Students who qualify in the city tournament go on to compete in regional competitions in February and those who place at that level can advance to the state competition.
For more information on the program including site-specific information, please visit the MathCounts Website. This website needs to be updated but has some good information on the program.