English Learners
District Vision for English Learners
The Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District is home to over 1,700 English Learner students. As a district, we are committed to providing the resources and opportunities for our English Learners to master English and to succeed academically. Working in collaboration with parents, guardians, and staff, we will provide students with the skills needed to achieve mastery of the core curriculum and prepare for college and career.
English Language Development
Each English learner receives a program of instruction in English Language Development (ELD) in order to develop proficiency in English (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) as rapidly and as effectively as possible. ELD lessons are differentiated to be appropriate for students' varying levels of English proficiency. The recommended instructional delivery model is to cluster English learners by the English language proficiency levels as assessed by the English Language Assessments for California (ELPAC).
All of our K-5 teachers use Board-adopted materials for Designated and Integrated ELD. Our 6-12 teachers are currently piloting new materials that will include intgrated English Language Arts (ELA) and ELD materials. In addition to materials, our district currently has over 75 teachers trained in Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) who are using the 35 carefully designed strategies in their classrooms to support ELs.
English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC)
The ELPAC is California’s new assessment that has been used since spring 2018 to determine the English language proficiency (ELP) of students whose primary language is other than English. The ELPAC has replaced the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) and is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards. The ELPAC assesses four domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
Fiscal Resources to Support English Learners
The State of California funds school districts according to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) model, which allows districts more freedom in determining how funds are spent, but also requires the development of a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) that links spending to specific district goals for student achievement. Funds are allocated following requirements outlined in Education Code, state regulations, and district policies. Federal programs, such as Title I, Title II, and Title III are used to supplement the basic education program (provide additional resources and services) and not to supplant (replace) general funds.
- Title I: This federal grant provides supplemental funds to be used to close the educational gap between disadvantaged children and other children. The funds and resources are used to raise academic achievement for all students and improve the school's entire educational program. Currently, there are three Title I schools in the district.
- Title III: Title III authorizes funding for supplementary programs and services for English learners to improve instruction and provide auxiliary services to meet the needs of English learners.
- Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA): The SPSA requires schools to annually monitor school programs. All expenditures must be documented on a budget page, which must provide evidence of how the funded programs are directly tied to the goals of the SPSA.
- Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) & the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP): LCFF/LCAP requires districts to provide supplemental services and programs to students who are English learners specifically through the allocation of Supplemental and Concentration grants. The LCAP outlines how the district plans to spend LCFF money to support English learners, low income, and foster youth.
English Learner Programs
Reclassification of English Learners
Reclassification Process
Once our English Learners achieve fluency in English, we are proud to honor their accomplishment in a Reclassification Ceremony. Reclassification can be thought of as an English Learner’s (EL’s) language graduation. It is the process for determining that an English Learner has become Fluent English Proficient (RFEP). It is a major milestone and accomplishment for all ELs.
The Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District has adopted a reclassification process to enable students initially identified as English Learners to exit specialized program services and participate without further language assistance as Fluent English Proficient students. English Learners shall be designated as Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP) when they have acquired the English language skills necessary to receive instruction and achieve academic progress in English only, at a level equivalent to students of the same age or grade whose primary language is English.
Per state guidelines, reclassification criteria must include English Proficiency as measured by the CELDT/ELPAC, performance in basic skills (CAASPP, DRA, F&P, or Literacy Benchmark), teacher evaluation, and parent consultation. The State of California will release additional guidance on ELPAC that may change reclassification requirements in 2019.
Importance of Reclassification
English Learners who reclassify by 5th grade or within six years of enrollment in US schools have better long-term academic outcomes and are some of our top academic performers. When students reclassify, they are no longer required to take English Language Development courses. They are able to fully participate in available college and career preparatory classes.